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BASE Techniques that Work

Trusted ideas that will help you stay Regulated and Resilient.

For the past few weeks we’ve been discussing the Base - Progress - Thrive Model in The Breakdown as a means for continually having control over the ‘reset-ability’ of your Nervous System.

We thought we would round out the Base part of this discussion by having a look at the remaining four areas, namely: Nutrition, Exercise, Relaxation and Time in Nature. 

Along with Sleep (if you missed it, check out our Sleep deep-dive HERE), these elements form an unshakeable toolkit for Resilience.

As in previous weeks, we’re going to share some resources and techniques that have (and continue) reliably worked for us, over long periods of time.

We hope by passing on this knowledge, it can help some of you regulate your Nervous System and form habits that feed Resilience.


Joe, Nath & The Resilience Lab Team.



“I’ve always been one who pays pretty close attention to my diet, but not in a really strict, militaristic way. I’ve eaten a primarily plant-based / vegetarian diet for over 20 years now, however I view this more as simply ‘who I am’ now, rather than ‘something I do’”.

“In terms of having control over my Base, the real game-changer for me came about 5 years ago when a friend introduced me to the book Clean by Dr Alejandro Junger.* The way that Dr Junger approaches food as medicine, along with the simplicity and practicality of the actual cleanse process really resonated with me and my family.”

“We now use the bare outline of this program at regular intervals throughout the year - like after holiday periods, for example - to reset our gut biota, help us feel ‘lighter’ and more focussed and to generally improve our well-being.”

“It’s definitely not rocket science, it’s just a good, practical, useful technique that works for us”.

*Please note: this is NOT a paid promotion or any kind of commercial agreement. This is simply something that has really worked for me and many of our students.



“As a former Physical Trainer in the Navy, exercise is always going to form a huge part of my life. However it has taken twists-and-turns over the years, through various forms. As I start to get a little bit older, I’ve found that exercise is less about ‘ultimate fitness’ for me now, and more to do with keeping my entire life balanced and happy.”

“For me, being consistently consistent has always been the key - especially since I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease.”

“So, for the past three months, I’ve has been completing a routine from 6:30 to 7:30 every morning comprising body weight exercises and breath holds sprints. I think I’ve only missed four sessions in three months, so it has been an absolute necessity for me.”

“It’s really something that sets me up for success early in the day and has significantly helped my immune system and energy throughout the day.”

“Activating that natural reward system is something that is really powerful - even on the mornings when I feel a little less energetic, I force myself to do it because I know that by the end of completing my exercises, I will feel fantastic.”

“It also feeds directly back to my sleep: I won’t prioritise exercise over sleep, but I know that if I wake and have had a reasonable night’s rest, then ‘laying in’ or sleeping more won’t really work for me. That’s where having this morning routine is absolute gold - it keeps me regulated and functional without fail.”

Time in Nature


“I’ve spent a good amount of my life working in the outdoors, so this part of the Base is obviously really essential for me.”

“However, it wasn’t until my back surgery in 2023 that I found the ‘secret sauce’ that really moved the needle”.

“As part of my rehab, I began daily cold water immersion - basically just bobbing around (at first) in the ocean, practicing Functional Breathing, then swimming when I could. Since I live in Tasmania - and this was during winter - needless to say it was something that took some resolve at first!”.

“But what I found is that - after a while - it became something I absolutely craved, like my body and mind couldn’t function without it.”

“Cold water immersion is all the rage right now (and for good reason!), but this was more than simply getting cold; for me, it was a connection with nature that - even as a lifelong surfer - I hadn’t quite experienced before.

“It felt like a daily communion that always, always left me feeling better and more regulated. There was also the added reward of getting it done, even when you don’t feel like it, or the ocean is having a tantrum!”

“I’m not ashamed to say that there were some really, really dark times after my operation and - above all else - this one small daily action saved me. I think I’ve only missed about 10-12 days in almost a year and now I tell people that ‘Cold Water Saved My Life’!!”



“Over the years, I’ve learnt to relax in different ways, however it’s always been a ‘nourishing’ pursuit for me, rather than a passive action. What I mean by that is that rather than, say, flopping in front of the TV, relaxation for me is something that is an active pastime”.

“I’ve always surfed and freedived, so those are still good ways for me to relax. However, in recent years I have found Tai Chi and Jo Do Martial Arts to be real game-changers. I like the softer, more cerebral nature of these pursuits; they help me connect to myself and I always feel better regulated afterwards.”

“When it comes to relaxation, the important message I try to give to our students is to think of it differently to what you have traditionally known. Find something you really enjoy, and use it as a medium to help calm your Nervous System and your mind”.

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The Resilience Lab acknowledges the ancient history of the Aboriginal people as the First People of the land and sea we operate on. We deeply respect and continue to learn from their connection to family, community, the land, sea, and waterways that has continued for over 2,000 generations. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal leaders past, present and emerging.

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